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reduced discharge中文是什么意思

用"reduced discharge"造句"reduced discharge"怎么读"reduced discharge" in a sentence


  • 折减流量
  • 折算流量


  • Article 4 the state encourages and supports clean production and reduced discharge of solid waste
  • Abstract : using a series of model tests , the properties of discharge capacity in the closed conduit due to inflow in gate shaft is studied and a method for estimating reducing discharge capacity is provided to designers
  • Article 22 enterprises shall employ clean production techniques that facilitate high utilization efficiency of raw and semi - finished materials and reduced discharge of pollutants and improve management to decrease water pollutants
  • In the canal with sand moving balance and stable bed , may keep the current status ; for the sediment canal which seriously reduced discharge , may properly clean sediment ; for the seriously scoured canal , such as curved canal , should lining the canal
  • To deal with the issues , we are actively pushing on management of garbage , waste water and dangerous cargos , participation in the port environment protection project , development of coscon dynamic vessel monitoring system , development of vessel fuel oil monitoring system , promote the energy - saving technology of pbcf , so as to save energy and reduce discharge as it possible
用"reduced discharge"造句  


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